Thursday, January 8, 2009

Breaking The Silence

I'm breaking the blog silence with some Christmas pictures! These are in no particular order, and only show a handful of the many memories we made during our surprise visit to Minnesota.

With four of the five Gregerson siblings married, we are now a group of nine. I loved being all together on Christmas Day. Lots of noise, fun, and laughter ~

Calvin-turned-Mr. Incredible ~

Chloe Jo, one of my adorable nieces ~

A mass of knit stockings, stuffed full with 3M treasures ~

Some time with friends ~

A private Christmas concert (the musicians were exceedingly handsome!) ~

That's just a jumble of a few precious moments. And that shows nothing of all the wonderful time spent with grandparents, and with our friends Bob and Dottie, and sledding, and wrestling with uncles, and all the other Mr. Incredible poses, and my other adorable niece, and my sweet nephew....and a loooooooong trip home to Kentucky.


1 comment:

Amy said...

Hooray for broken silences and family photos! :) Sounds like a great time!