Monday, January 12, 2009

The Things They Say

I was ready to move on with the day, but Calvin was still nibbling at the last few Cheerios in his bowl. "Are you finished with your breakfast?" I asked.

After ignoring my question three times, he said, "What's that called, Mommy?"

Now, I've been trying to train Calvin to say something just once to me, wait for my reply, remember my response, and then not ask the same thing again. I've explained to him how irritating it is to be asked the same questions repeatedly. I was about to find out that he has in fact been listening...

"What's what called?" I replied.

"What's it called when you say the same thing over and over?" Calvin said.

Sensing a trap coming on, I hesitantly said, "Do you mean...obnoxious?"

"Yes! Mommy, you are being a-noshious, askin' me that again and again!"



Elizabeth said...

I love these posts and can't wait to be able to begin that category on mine! Georgia did string her first words together. She says more please and daddy's books! Your boys are so handsome, and smart! Isn't it scary how much they really do pick up from us?!?!?!?

Dyer Importance... said...

WOW! He is so clever! Well, at least you know he is listening...

Chris said...

I don't think he's three...

Tammy said...

I love conversations with 3 year olds!