Friday, December 5, 2008

Baking...With Children

We baked Christmas Cookie #1 today: Peanut Butter Blossoms.

The boys' little friend, Jonathan, came over (and his mom, my friend Becky!) and we took on this little endeavor as a group. Peanut Butter Blossoms are good cookies to make with little ones. They can roll the dough in sugar ~

And smash the Hershey's kiss into the cookie (keyword: smash) ~

Even with all the Hershey's kisses that disappeared into little hoppers, we ended up with four dozen lovely (and delicious!) cookies ~


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Yum! My friends and I also do the baking in groups with kids thing. It usually works out pretty just takes twice as long. Speaking of baking, I put the cake recipe on my blog if you want it! See you soon!