Monday, January 7, 2008

Calvin, the defender of truth II

Well, Calvin is at it again. A month ago two men came to our door. They were Jehovah's Witnesses. Kimberly and I visited with them and I pressed them on the issue of who is Jesus. They replied that he is 'a god'. We showed them Scripture after Scripture that showed that Jesus is God, the God.

Time passed and we thought nothing of it. Three mornings ago Calvin said to Kimberly and me at breakfast, "Those two men said that Jesus is 'a god', but that is not right, he is the God!

Wow, what a lesson for us as parents. Our children are always listening and they are always learning. The Bible says that we are to, "...teach them (the Scriptures) diligently to your children..." (Deut 6:7). Every moment we are teaching something about God to our children in words AND actions.

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